The Web-Head remains one of the most down to earth characters in the comic book world because he, like us has flaws, faults, and insecurities that even spidey-sense cannot fix.
Dropping the Funny Face
Late-night political comedians continue to pop in larger numbers by the day, but in’t it about time they take on the role of being activists first and comedians second?
McGraw’s ‘Humble and Kind’ Shows Country Still Has a Serious Side
Tim McGraw’s latest hit proves country music is about much more than simply girls, trucks, and beer—exploring more wholesome themes of love and kindness.
Red Sox and Radio Stars: Discovering Boston’s Signature Sound
Known best for its rock bands, baked beans, and diehard sports fans, Boston has developed an admirably unapologetic identity. If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of the city.
Longing for Yesterday
How cool would it be to live in another time and place? Though this mystical thought is a pervasive and tempting one, we must not forget today and the memories of things yet to come.
Death Trope Plagues LGBT Characters
LGBT characters are becoming more prevalent in entertainment and their sexuality just one facet of their person. When they are killed off by stray bullets, however, many fans wonder how random such an event is?
Embracing Hip-Hop History with Broadway’s ‘Hamilton’
Thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda and his Broadway hit ‘Hamilton,’ an inventive fusion of rap and the American Revolution, history is finally fun again.
Connecting the Dots Between Interpretation and Objectivity
When we see connections or draw conclusions about art, are our conclusions any more valid than any other?
Reminiscent of the Theaters of Ole
While the nations theaters continue to “upgrade” over the year, qualities of the older generation theaters are lost to movie-goers over time.
The Musical Paradigm Shift
Music is ever changing. Today we may be at the dawn of a new musical age which will see a shift from the EDM craze to a new kind of rock n’ roll.