After tirelessly binging watching a series, one has to wonder: Is there something to be said about leaving things unfinished?
Tattoos From Sketch to Skin
With so much stigma associated with body-art, many incredible and talented artists go unnoticed and the extent of their work, unappreciated.
Indiana Jones and the Last Tapioca Pudding
Do we need another Indiana Jones? And would we want to see our noble hero old, worn, and tired? What adventures truly await the famed archaeologist as he edges into his 80’s?
Tina Fey: Comedian or Life Coach?
For most college students, miniature existential crises can come at the most inopportune times and from the most unlikely sources. This time around, it was Tina Fey’s new film that sparked serious self-analysis.
What’s in a Name? The Pressure of Perfecting Album Titles
In a demanding industry that prioritizes perfection above all else, even album titles can’t escape scathing criticism.
Florida and ‘Fire Emblem:’ A Perfect Pair
While, resting on sunny beaches over spring break, one should consider bringing along a Nintendo DS to fill the hours of sunbathing.
Conflict in Cartoons
Children’s cartoons today are too sensitive and innocent. In the past, they served as a subtle and interesting way to insert more mature themes.
Disney Goes to ‘Infinity’ and Beyond
‘Disney Infinity’ brings together the best of the brand’s iconic characters in one sandbox adventure, but has it gone to far with its pricing?
Pondering the Social Epidemic of Posthumous Praise
In the wake of Harper Lee’s death, twitter buzz and newsworthiness prompt an examination of the social media epidemic aptly titled “Enigmatic Electronic Eulogizing.”
Human Insignificance Proves to Be the Biggest Horror
What really makes us scared? Is it a physical threat or idea, or are our true fears seeded in something more existential?