The direction of Zayn Malik and his former band mates ultimately lies apart. The group’s most talented vocalists moves on.
The ‘Blurred Lines’ Of Copyright In The Music Industry
Marvin Gay’s estate won $1.7 million from Robin Thicke over copyright infringements of he and Pharrell Williams’ “Blurred Lines.”
Mumford & Sons Ditches The Banjo, Rolls Over A New Stone
After near a year’s hiatus, Mumford & Sons is back on the music scene with its new single, “Believe.”
Angelina Jolie And Her Famous Ovaries
Jolie and ‘The New York Times’ published her second health related Op-Ed this week. Is it a case of too much information?
A Game Of Media: Books Or Show
Fans of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ love its creator George R. R. Martin, but are his novels all they’re cracked up to be?
Hollywood Horror: Sequels And Reboots, Wash Rinse Repeat
2015 is a year stuffed with sequels to some of cinemas favorite franchises, but is that really a good thing?
A ‘Fresh’ Take On Asian-Americans In Television
‘Fresh Off the Boat’ follows a Taiwanese family’s move from Washington D.C. to an all-white suburb in Orlando, tackling racial stereotypes along the way.
Stop Recycling (Stories)
Hollywood loves its franchises. BC loves to be “Happy.” But where can we draw the line between acknowledging form and creating something original?
The Digital Wild West
Whether it be a Bee Gees musical or a long-lost favorite cartoon, nothing seems impossible to find these days.
A Definite Guide To Serious ‘Art’ At Boston College
This article is the product of a series of investigations, undercover spying, focus groups, phone taps, ethnographies, and every imaginable type of profiling. It is our first report on the role of “art,” an “art,” the “arts” on campus. Our team has been working arduously on providing results that accurately portray creative inclinations at Boston…