Hollywood loves its franchises. BC loves to be “Happy.” But where can we draw the line between acknowledging form and creating something original?
The Digital Wild West
Whether it be a Bee Gees musical or a long-lost favorite cartoon, nothing seems impossible to find these days.
A Definite Guide To Serious ‘Art’ At Boston College
This article is the product of a series of investigations, undercover spying, focus groups, phone taps, ethnographies, and every imaginable type of profiling. It is our first report on the role of “art,” an “art,” the “arts” on campus. Our team has been working arduously on providing results that accurately portray creative inclinations at Boston…
Tina Fey’s Newest Comedy ‘Kimmy Schmidt’ Breaks New Ground
Despite being let go by NBC, ‘Kimmy Schmidt’ and Tina Fey find a welcoming home with Netflix.
Zoolander Walks Never Ending Line Between Creativity And Commercialism
Paris Fashion Week ended with a strange and exciting publicity stunt from Ben Stiller, but what did this appearance mean for the industry?
The Bookstore War
Admittedly against nearly everything ‘Fifty Shades’ stands for. Still, it belongs on the book shelf.
The Conceited Bluff Of ‘House Of Cards’
Despite the high production value and caliber of its leading actors, the Netflix original ‘House of Cards’ is more soap opera than complex drama.
Ripley Returns From Cryosleep
“Alien” first struck Chris at the age of five, here’s to hoping it can strike again.
The Sandwich Method: Taking The Last Bite Of ‘Parks and Rec’
The last vestige of NBC’s classic Thursday night lineup has been the best friend a show can be.
Dropping The House On ‘Two And A Half Men’
After over a decade, the CBS sit-com comes to a slow, agonizing death at the hands of series producer Chuck Lorre.