The Academy reflects Hollywood’s diversity gap with the release of its 2015 Oscar nominations.
Arts, Movies, Column
State Of The Oscars: Back To Blank Basics
An overview of the 2015 Academy Award nominations pinpoints highs, lows, and snubs of the Oscar race.
Column, Arts
The Sultans Of Smash: The Combat Series That Keeps Kicking
Many of our fondest memories hail from the popular fighter series, but why are we still so enamored by it?
Arts, Featured Column, Column
‘Selma’ And The Art Of Truth
Some (Maureen Dowd) have said Ava DuVernay’s ‘Selma’ recklessly damages the legacy of L.B.J. She’s hopelessly, deliriously wrong.
Music, Column, Arts
The Mutations of Musical Taste
Our musical tastes may differ, but why can’t we just all get along?
Arts, Movies, Off Campus, Featured Column, Column
Golden Globes Reward The Endearing (And Old) Weirdos
Golden Globes rewarded Clooney and the old pals but still made time for the little guys.
Arts, Television, Column
‘The Newsroom’ Commentary On Rape Culture
Aaron Sorkin’s ‘The Newsroom’ critiques the nature of victim-blaming and sexual assault.
Movies, Arts, Off Campus, Featured Column, Column
A New Hope For ‘Star Wars’
If J. J. Abrams can take something old and good and make it new and good—maybe we can still do the same at BC.