A brief round in the Tinder Games reveals what social media should be used for: making connections.
What Aristotle Would Say About The Cast Of ‘Friends’
What would Aristotle have to say about the friendships in ‘Friends?’
Why Boston College Doesn’t Need Another “Happy” Video
Recreating “Happy” is an elusive task here at Boston College, and evidently, a lot of organizations are trying to do it.
Should We Kick The Bucket Lists?
Although bucket lists tend to commodify new experiences, they can also help us appreciate old ones.
A (Purely Speculative) Guide To The Fall Movie Season
From ‘Gone Girl’ and ‘The Maze Runner’ to the final installment of ‘The Hobbit,’ a look at the highs (and potential lows) of this fall’s movie releases.
If (Dorm Room) Walls Could Talk
Dorm room decorating isn’t just for fun—it’s a way to document the memories of your BC experience.
Why I Quit Instagram
As an experiment, I deleted 419 photos, collected over two years, five months, and four days. Leaving Instagram was a matter of give up an addiction
Why Millennials Just Can’t Put Their Phones Down
Technology may be making living and even learning easier for Millennials, but at what cost?
A Look Back: The History Of Music Festivals
Tracing the growth and popularity of music festivals—from Woodstock to Boston Calling, and everything in between.
A Random Walk Down Linden Lane
Since Friday’s Student Involvement Fair can ruin college careers—though not necessarily in the worst of ways—here’s a guide to help you decide whether breaking into the arts at BC is the right move for you.