“The Unafraid,” a documentary that follows DACA students in Georgia, was screened in Stokes Wednesday evening.
Despite Controversy, ‘Joker’ Is Milestone for Superhero Genre
‘Joker’ has become one of 2019’s most controversial movies, with critics calling the film violent and sympathetic to “incel” culture.
Tragic Beauty Depicted in New Film Judy
Judy Garland’s life is illustrated in ‘Judy,’ Rupert Goold’s new film.
‘Tall Girl’ Promotes Superficial View of Self-Acceptance
The Netflix movie ‘Tall Girl’ tries to be bold by casting an unconventional lead, but it proves to be an uninspired, cookie cutter rom-com.
‘Goldfinch’ Turns Epic Novel Into Epic Failure
‘The Goldfinch’ is paced awkwardly compared to the novel, and doesn’t allow for solid character depth or an engaging storyline.
‘Ad Astra’ Will Leave Audiences Spaced Out
‘Ad Astra’ boasts a star-studded cast and a massive budget, but its slow pacing will leave viewers unsatisfied.
‘It Chapter Two’ Chooses Gore over Depth
‘It Chapter Two’, the sequel to the 2017 horror blockbuster ‘It’, proves that most of the time, bigger doesn’t equal better.
‘Untouchable’ Documents Harvey Weinstein’s Crimes
The chilling Hulu documentary ‘Untouchable’ demonstrates how powerful men like Harvey Weinstein abuse women with impunity.
‘Jawline’ Documents Quest for Online Fame
The new social media landscape provides opportunities for savvy individuals to achieve fame. Austyn Tester, the subject of the Hulu documentary ‘Jawline,’ is trying his best to break through the noise.
BC Alumna’s ‘The Farewell’ Examines Cultural Divide
‘The Farewell,’ a wry dramedy written and directed by BC alumna Lulu Wang, tells the true story of an elaborate plot to deceive her ailing grandmother.