The star-studded ‘Triple Frontier’ makes a well-meaning attempt to be more than just another action movie.
‘Captain Marvel’ Moves Marvel Forward, But Harps on Hero’s Past
‘Captain Marvel’ shines as the franchise’s first film centered on a female hero.
‘Paddleton’ Finds the Mundane in Mortality
Ray Romano and Mark Duplass play two unlikely friends coming to terms with mortality in “Paddleton.’
‘Climax’ Depicts Decadent, Deadly Descent into Madness
The dance horror flick ‘Climax’ depicts shocking violence combined with gorgeous dance scenes for a visually discordant experience.
Ramirez: It’s Awards Season, But Should We Care?
Arts editor Kaylie Ramirez considers the significance, or insignificance, of popular awards shows.
Convoluted Storyline Bogs Down ‘Happy Death Day 2U’
The second installment of Happy Death Day offers little more than horror clichés and gimmicky plot twists.
Raunchy Humor Falls Flat in ‘The Breaker Upperers’
Unlikable characters and tasteless humor ruin the promising, female-directed romcom ‘The Breaker Upperers.’
‘Everybody Knows’ Comes Across as a Soapy Thriller
‘Everybody Knows’ falls short of the rest of acclaimed Iranian director Asghar Farhadi’s films.
Pacing Causes Attention to Wane in ‘Never Look Away’
Disney’s ‘Never Look Away’ struggles to hold viewers’ attention for its full three hour run time but brings new insight into post-WWII Germany.
Sports Drama ‘High Flying Bird’ Confronts Capitalist Extortion
‘High Flying Bird’ focuses on the behind-the-scenes aspect of the game.