Ned Benson successfully launches the first of his three-part film series, collectively titled ‘The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby.’
Shot Over 12 Years, ‘Boyhood’ Makes An Epic Of Growing Up
Filmed over the course of 12 years, ‘Boyhood’ successfully conveys authenticity and sentimentality by focusing on the moments of everyday life.
‘The Hundred Foot Journey’ Presents A Taste of Life
‘Chocolat’ director Lasse Hallstrom combines themes of romance, food, and family for his feel-good film ‘The Hundred Foot Journey.’
The Town: The New Heroes Of Boston’s Film Tradition
Actors, including Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, have paid tribute to their home city, starring in a number of Boston-based movies.
Jonathan Glazer Takes Sci-Fi Back To Earth With ‘Under The Skin’
By: Logan Wren
Under the Skin is a lot closer to home than a galaxy far, far away-it is an exploration of the difficulties of alienation and self-discovery.
Psychological Thriller ‘Oculus’ Challenges Perceptions Of Horror Genre
By: Cam Harding
Despite the rather ridiculous premise of two siblings battling a satanic mirror on a four-century-long murdering spree, Mike Flanagan’s psychological horror Oculus provides an interesting deviation from the modern onslaught of ’80s remakes and Paranormal Activity spinoffs.
‘Rio’ Franchise Heads South With Sequel
By: Grace Godvin
Saldanha packs his film too full of only half-amusing subplots, attempting to distract the audience with a few lackluster musical numbers and a star-studded cast.
‘The Winter Soldier’ Rescues Superhero Genre
By: Harry Mitchell
Directors Anthony and Joe Russo successfully balance superhero genre elements with more realistic ones in Marvel’s Captain America sequel.
Losing The Magic Of A Franchise
With J.K. Rowling’s announcement of three more films, it seems as if authors keep expanding their stories until there are no secrets left. Readers and viewers are never satisfied with what writers have to offer, leading to unnecessary spin-offs.
Jason Bateman Gets Into Trouble With Directorial Debut ‘Bad Words’
By: Grace Godvin
Bateman’s Bad Words lacks a unique storyline and mostly relies on mean-spirited humor for laughs.