The MFA hosts College Night: MFA After Dark, featuring live music, a photo booth, and free gelato in addition to the exhibits on display.
This Weekend In Arts: Bostonians Halloween Show, Aaron Carter Concert, And More
The Bostonians get spooky for their Halloween Invitational, Aaron Carter returns from the ’90s, and The Beehive hosts a Zombie Prom.
BC Volunteers Band Together To Protect Arts In Boston Public Schools
Meridith Smith, A&S ’16, founded Mentoring Through The Arts to combat program cuts in Boston public schools, including Brighton’s Edison K-8.
This Weekend In Arts: My Mother’s Fleabag, Boston Book Festival, And More
Boston events this weekend include a My Mother’s Fleabag fall cafe, ‘A Funny Thing Happened’ in Robsham, the Boston Book Festival, and more.
Scene In The City: Bombay Bicycle Club Rolls Into House Of Blues
Bombay Bicycle Club played at the House of Blues, delivering a diverse, unconventional set spanning genres and modes of performance, with songs from the band’s latest album.
This Weekend In Arts: Shwayze & William Bolton, Neil Patrick Harris Signs Books, And More
BC a cappella and dance groups meet for BC Street, Neil Patrick Harris makes an appearance at the Brookline Booksmith, and more events this weekend.
Nevermore: Professor Lewis Monumentalizes Poe’s Boston Legacy
A life-size bronze sculpture of Boston native Edgar Allan Poe was set up at the intersection of Boylston St. and Charles St. this month to commemorate the literary history of the Gothic author.
Life Lessons From Kanye (Or How To Lose Friends And Make Enemies)
Although Kanye West could be considered a controversial role model, the rapper is a prime example of staying true to who you are and owning up to what you believe.
Can You ‘Facebook’ For A Cause?
Facebook and other social media outlets have gone from being just fun ways to connect with friends to platforms for encouraging social change—but is sharing and tweeting enough to make a real difference?
This Weekend In Arts: Illuminus D Lights The Night, Fleetwood Mac at TD Garden, And More
This Columbus Day weekend, check out Oktoberfest in Harvard Square and Illuminus D at the Lawn on D, among other events in Boston and on campus.