By: Michelle Tomassi & John Wiley
William Bolton, CSOM ’16, revealed new singles and his music video ‘Diamonds’ at his show on Thursday night.
By: Michelle Tomassi & John Wiley
William Bolton, CSOM ’16, revealed new singles and his music video ‘Diamonds’ at his show on Thursday night.
By: John Wiley
BC Professor Karl Baden explores the many faces of photography in The Wheels Project on display in Waltham, MA.
By: Annie McEwen
Director Billy McEntee, A&S ’14 and the BC Theatre Department delivered ‘a beautiful and powerful mess in The Clean House‘ this weekend.
By: Caroline Hopkins
For those dreaded two weeks during mid-December, the Boston College libraries become students’ new homes.
Every time the music slowed, the lyrics disappeared, and the lights dimmed, the movement of each and every dancer could be felt throughout at Boston College Dance Ensemble’s Spectrum show.