“Stylus” and “Laughing Medusa” partnered to launch their fall literary magazines at Fuel America on Dec. 8.
University Chorale and BC Symphony Orchestra Come Together for Annual “Christmas on the Heights” Concert
Christmas classics and winter classical pieces were elegantly renditioned in the annual show concert performances.
Hello..Shovelhead! Satirizes the College Experience in Fall Show
The comedy group combined a pre-recorded sketch with skits in its fall show, playing on BC tour and classroom tropes.
Crowd Can’t Help But Dance at Dayglow’s Sold-Out Show in Boston
Dayglow excelled at crowd interaction at his sold-out concert at the House of Blues on Friday, dancing with the crowd the whole show.
Team Sexual Chocolate Takes Home Top Prize at Dancing with the Scholars 
All-male step team Sexual Chocolate won the Cape Verdean Student Association’s Dancing with the Scholars competition.
CommonToast: A Brunch Café! Provides Warm Respite and Tender Music on Chilly Evening
The Common Tones stuck to a food-themed showcase, with costumes and decorations, for their CommonToast: A Brunch Cafe!
Director Ng’endo Mukii Explains the Connection Between Animation, Taxidermy, and Telling a Singular Narrative
In her Currents lecture director Ng’endo Mukii, known for her film ‘Yellow Fever,’ spoke about the role animation plays in her career.
Best of Boston Invitational Brings Together A Cappella Groups From Across the City
The BC Dynamics hosted the Best of Boston A Cappella invitational show on Saturday, welcoming the Heightsmen of BC and three teams.
The Annual AXIS Showcase Celebrates Dance and Culture For Charity
The annual AXIS dance showcase, hosted by AeroK and SEASA, brought together BC dance groups for a night of culture and dance.
“It’s a book that you need to live”: BC Students to Hold 24-Hour Live Reading of James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’
Boston College students—donning hats and fake mustaches—will read the entirety of James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ in approximately 28 hours, starting on Thursday, Nov. 10.