The race for president and executive vice president of UGBC kicked off Thursday night, with four teams announcing their candidacy
The Sharps Serenade to Victory at the A Capella Riff-Off
Boston College a capella groups compete head-to-head at second annual A Capella Riff-Off.
The Common Tones Bring Glitz of New York City to Fall Cafe
The Common Tones put heavy emphasis on love songs at their NYC-themed Fall Cafe.
The Dynamics Mix Traditional, Modern A Capella Styles at Fall Invitational
The Dynamics were joined by Northeastern’s Treble on Huntington at their energetic Fall Invitational.
Fashion Showcase Illustrates Negative Effects of Fast Fashion
CAB’s Sustainable Fashion Showcase illustrated the negative effects of fast fashion.
AXIS Dance Showcase Features Hip-Hop and Modern Dance
The AXIS Dance Showcase included performances from eight dance groups and featured hip-hop and modern dance.
Jubilant ‘Pippin’ Exudes Heartwarming Humor
Joyful, humorous ‘Pippin’ brings a colorful, sweet storyline to Boston College.
Music Guild Introduces New Acts at Fall Band Showcase
Band scene incumbent Word on the Street was rivaled by the unique sound of newcomers Faxi Moto and Greycliff at Music Guild’s Fall Band Showcase.
Asinine Battles over Fonts at ‘Frog Time’
Asinine used crowd participation and suggestions over the course of their latest show.
Craig Harris Jazz Quartet Pushes Boundaries of Genre in Powerful Performance
The Craig Harris Jazz Quartet provided a gripping performance for all in attendance.