The English Association rung in Halloween with an event to celebrate the 200 year anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein on Oct. 29.
Breakdancing, Traditional Music Impress at Japan Club Culture Show
Traditional Japanese music, breakdancing, and J-Pop songs dominated the stage at the Japan Club Culture Show.
Fleabag Provides Comedic Relief from Midterms at Fall Café
My Mother’s Fleabag fired off quick-witted jokes about Halloween, the whip, and Cold War Poland at the comedy group’s Fall Café on Oct. 25.
Irish Professor Discusses Book About Travers, Wilde Trials
Eibhear Walshe, director of creative writing and senior lecturer at University College Cork, discussed Travers and Wildes trials of 1895.
Bostonians Meet Common Tones in Halloween Invitational
Two BC a capella groups, the Bostonians and Common Tones, collaborated for a Halloween Invitational.
POC Art Lab Empowers BC’s AHANA+ Community
POC Art Lab featured various dance groups and theatre performances to empower the AHANA+ community at Boston College.
‘West Wingers’ Come to BC to Inspire Young Voters
“A majority of the stories are by women and by people of color—13 of the 18 stories. Contributors also include immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, people with disabilities, Muslim-Americans, and veterans,” said Dan Ponsetto, director of the Volunteer and Service Learning Center.
Over 100 Students ‘Die-In’ on Anniversary of March
The majority of demonstrators taped their mouths shut to show “the institutional silencing that happens at Boston College,” according to the release from the Black Eagles, the groups that organized the protest.
Music Guild: BC’s Home For Live Music
Since its creation, Music Guild has fostered a strong community around the love of music at Boston College.
Faculty and Staff Art Exhibit Features Unique, Lively Work
Several talented faculty and staff displayed their artwork at an exhibit in Carney.