BC English Professor Suzanne Matson presented her fourth novel, ‘Ultraviolet,’ to students on September 13.
Eight BC Groups Join Forces for AcappellaFest 2018
AcapellaFest showcased the talents of seven of the 12 active a cappella groups at Boston College. The groups pulled from contemporary works to craft a fun opening to the fall a cappella scene.
McMullen Displays Professor Austen’s Abstract Paintings
The McMullen Museum of Art is displaying Boston College Professor Hartmut Austen’s abstract artwork through December 13.
CCE Parodies Freshman Orientation at First Show
Improv comedy troupe Committee for Creative Enactments (CCE) pulled out all the stops at Orientation Session 8, its first show of the year.
A Lack of On Campus Arts Events
Arts Editor Jacob Schick highlights the lack of on campus arts event at the start of the semester and proposes a few potential solutions.
Weems Stories African American Experience at Art After Dark
The McMullen Museum showcased the art of Carrie Mae Weems, along with performances with from B.E.A.T.S., F.I.S.T.S., and Sexual Chocolate at Art After Dark.
Art of Bookbinding Turns Pages in Roycroft Exhibit
‘Dreams of Art & Glory: Book Craft by the Roycrofters’ allows students to learn about bookbinding in the early 19th century at Babst Library.
Amid Controversy, B.o.B Throws it Back at Modstock
The Boston College Campus Activities Board hosted rapper B.o.B and Battle of the Bands winner Shady Lady at its annual spring concert, Modstock.
Chamberstock Kicks Off Summer with Skill and Festivity
Boston College music groups kicked off summer with eloquent musical stylings and festivity at Chamberstock, a series of chamber music performances.
‘Stylus’ Spring Launch Features Poetry Readings, Music
The literary magazine of Boston College, ‘Stylus,’ celebrated the launch of its spring 2018 issue at Artsfest.