Exploring the revered works and life of mystic John of the Cross, finding that prose is one medium through which one may established a more resilient relation to the divine.
The Artful and Stirring Nature of Rakugo Japanese Storytelling
Laced with personal elements, the event truly captured the personal history of the narrator as well as the cultural relevancy of the art with Japan.
Audiences Bask in the Talent of DOBC’s ‘Shine’
Showcasing everything from ballet to hip-hop and everything inbetween, DOBC’s ‘Shine’ was a testament to the eclectic abilities of BC’s dance organizations.
Marshmello Delivers Synth-laden Excitement at Plexapalooza
A mix of colors and neon lights, Plexapalooza showcases the talents of EDM artist Marshmello, who has crafted synth-heavy electronic sounds.
‘An American Conscience’ Parallels Niebuhr to Contemporary Life
In a thoughtful screening and panel, ‘An American Conscience’ reinforces the idea again and again that to reject ideas, on must first understand them.
McMullen ‘Artist as a Mystic’ Unleashes Adorns Walls with Ethereal Imagery
Adopting an ethereal and truly enchanting style, Rafael Soriano creates stunning works that transcend this realm and bring viewers into another.
Recognition, Representation, and Reward
Boston College organizations give their thoughts on this years nominations and speak to the larger issue of the lack of diversity in Hollywood.
Everyone Should Know ‘What Every Girl Should Know’
‘What Every Girl Should Know’ explores the modern struggle of women through the lens of a 1914 Catholic Reformatory
Best of Synergy and Dance Groups Lit Up the Stage with Comedy and Choreography
Synergy, Dance Organization of Boston College (DOBC), Presenting Africa To You (PATU), Females Incorporating Sisterhood Through Step (F.I.S.T.S), and Dance Ensemble all collaborated to bring the BC audience laughter and exciting dance moves.
‘Viva Polonia!’ Brings an Empassioned Piece of Poland to Lyons
Bringing a wealth of culture to Lyons, if for but a moment, ‘Viva Polonia!’ brought tangible passion, talents, and tears to eager viewers in Lyons 423.