A spirit of innovation tied together the acts in the Music Guild’s Fall Band Showcase.
Conspiracy Theory And Other BC Dance Groups Sync Up For Showcase
SEASA and Conspiracy Theory hosted a night of dance, featuring performances from eight BC groups, to support the Blue Dragon foundation.
A ‘Whole Lotta Dudes’ Perform In Devlin For Heightsmen Fall Cafe
The Heightsmen hosted their annual fall cafe on Saturday, featuring BC’s male step team Sexual Chocolate.
Finding Our ‘Definitions’ At Boston College
While we’re at BC, what we do tends to define who we are, making it difficult to think of ourselves independent of our involvement, particularly when our commitments end.
Searching Outside The Lines For BC’s Stories
A reflection on moments from the past three years on ‘The Heights’—and the stories that were told as a result.
Not From Concentrate: A Look At The Unlikely Ingredients Of Juice
The BC band deals out all the juicy details, talking about the success its had on campus during the past two years and the direction it hopes to take in the future—including an EP, concerts in Boston, and even a Juice-themed clothing line.
Greek Life Comes To Robsham With ‘The Trojan Women’
Constructing a post-apocalyptic world in Robsham, the BC theatre department reinterprets the fall of Troy with ‘The Trojan Women.’
Okay, Time For Another ‘Happy’ Video
Allowing our vision of BC to obscure the realities of it ultimately damage that initial vision and close the school off from new possibilities.
This Weekend In Arts: Fall Band Showcase, Faneuil Hall Tree Lighting, And More
CAB and the Music Guild present a fall band showcase, Christmas comes to Faneuil Hall with a tree lighting ceremony, and more Boston events this weekend.
Fourteen BC Women Confront Notions Of ‘The Good Body’
As the culminating event of Love Your Body Week, The Women’s Center presented ‘The Good Body,’ a play written by ‘Vagina Monologues’ author Eve Ensler.