BC student band Free Alley performed in the new ‘SuperFan Zone’ before Saturday night’s football game against USC.
If (Dorm Room) Walls Could Talk
Dorm room decorating isn’t just for fun—it’s a way to document the memories of your BC experience.
Exposure And Hollywood Eagles Slated To Bring ‘Mod Of Cards’ To BC
A collaborative project between Exposure Productions and BC’s Hollywood Eagles, ‘Mod Of Cards’ is a series based off of the hit Netflix show and is set to premiere on YouTube later this fall.
Junior Billy Foshay Is Transforming Your Inbox Into A Platform For Artists
In his “Monday Mornings” series, visual artist Billy Foshay turned to email as a storytelling medium, connecting to subscribers with photo and narrative.
Why I Quit Instagram
As an experiment, I deleted 419 photos, collected over two years, five months, and four days. Leaving Instagram was a matter of give up an addiction
Remembering To ‘Never Forget’ 9/11
Sept. 11 may have “happened” in 2001, but it also “happens” every year, too, since we were reminded since that tragic day to “never forget.”
Magic In The McMullen: BC’s New ‘Wifredo Lam’ Exhibit
The latest exhibit at the McMullen Museum showcases the imaginative, cross-cultural style of Cuban artist Wifredo Lam.
Why Millennials Just Can’t Put Their Phones Down
Technology may be making living and even learning easier for Millennials, but at what cost?
Detroit To Boston: William Bolton Discusses His ‘Summer Breeze’ LP
BC junior William Bolton talks about his latest contribution to the neo-soul genre. He’s bringing Motown to the Mods, and disrupting the University’s independent music scene.
A Random Walk Down Linden Lane
Since Friday’s Student Involvement Fair can ruin college careers—though not necessarily in the worst of ways—here’s a guide to help you decide whether breaking into the arts at BC is the right move for you.