With tigers and sadists abound, the character of ‘The Walking Dead’ cannot seem to catch a break. As their ranks are splintered and their blood spilled, one thing is certain, this TV series is not going away anytime soon.
Despite Journalistic Inconsitancies, ‘Vice News Tonight’ Is Not Without Virtue
As is customary with Vice Media, ‘Vice News Tonight’ unearths some of the most gripping stories in the world, though it struggles to maintain stoutly unbiased reports or decouple from the standard nightly news format.
‘Black Mirror’ Delves Into the Dangers of Technology
The third season of Netflix’s anthology series tackles the complexities of an ever-evolving technological landscape in the modern age.
Marvel’s ‘Luke Cage,’ Like its Titular Hero, Is Nearly Invincible
The first season of Marvel’s latest Netflix program hits nearly every beat, spare one notable exception.
Woody Allen’s ‘Crisis in Six Scenes’ Is a Solid Assay into Television
Though it does not achieve the glory of his work on the big screen, ‘Crisis in Six Scenes’ is an enjoyable, and at times, surprising venture for Woody Allen on television.
‘Transparent’ Continues to Harness Emotional Essence in Season 3
Turning even more heads in its third season, ‘Transparent’ explores an existential human story with such gravity and humor that the Golden Globe winning series importance cannot be overstated.
Unconventional Policing in ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Continues Cracking the Case
Andy Samberg proves there are many ways to sleuth as his absurd manner of policing surmounts itself in the latest season of ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine.’
Internet Heavy Hitter ‘High Maintenance’ Starts to Deal on HBO
This stoner romp captivates its audience as it documents the daily lives of dealers and users in NYC. The cycle of weed, money, love proves to be a toxic undertaking for all parties involved.
‘South Park’ Starts to Steer in the Wrong Direction
South Park has been a staple of American pop-culture throughout the entirety of its run, but if it wants to remain one, it needs to end before it loses its worth.
‘Son of Zorn’ Pits Stereotypic Masculinity Against the Modern Age
Taking a man from a simpler time and placing him in our ranks makes for an interesting clash of old and new world values, in Fox’s ‘Son of Zorn.’