In the second episode of its final season, ‘Mad Men’ continues the slow burn as Don finds himself predictably alone.
Game Of Thrones: Crowning The Cast Of Westeros
Dramatic settings and effects surely contribute to the show’s success, but the show’s casting and character make the show one of the best on television.
‘New Girl’ Still Funny, But Gang Sinks ‘Par 5’ In Episode On Racial Profiling
New Girl’s latest episode, “Par 5” takes on Jess’s networking disaster on a golf course and issues of police brutality and racial profiling.
Grow Up To Be Mindy Kaling, Not Mindy Lahiri
Ultimately nothing like her on-screen characters, Mindy Kaling is redefining the notions of the female tropes in television.
Netflix: From The Mailroom To The Laptop
As the joint Marvel / Netflix produced ‘Daredevil’ is released on Friday, it’s time to look back on and ahead at the red and white giant.
‘Better Call Saul’ Still Leaves A Bit To Be Desired As It Wraps Up Its First Season
Gilligan’s recent spinoff, ‘Better Call Saul’ concluded its first season with a Breaking Bad-esque showdown in an episode titled, ‘Macro.’
A Game Of Media: Books Or Show
Fans of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ love its creator George R. R. Martin, but are his novels all they’re cracked up to be?
A ‘Fresh’ Take On Asian-Americans In Television
‘Fresh Off the Boat’ follows a Taiwanese family’s move from Washington D.C. to an all-white suburb in Orlando, tackling racial stereotypes along the way.
Tina Fey’s Newest Comedy ‘Kimmy Schmidt’ Breaks New Ground
Despite being let go by NBC, ‘Kimmy Schmidt’ and Tina Fey find a welcoming home with Netflix.
The Conceited Bluff Of ‘House Of Cards’
Despite the high production value and caliber of its leading actors, the Netflix original ‘House of Cards’ is more soap opera than complex drama.