Coronavirus Updates

COVID-19 Positivity Spikes Among Undergraduates, Swimming and Diving Team Affected
News, On Campus, Top Story, Coronavirus Updates

COVID-19 Positivity Spikes Among Undergraduates, Swimming and Diving Team Affected

The COVID-19 positivity rate for Boston College undergraduates tested this week is 3.75 percent as of Thursday, according to BC’s COVID-19 dashboard. Forty-six undergraduates have tested positive out of the 1,228 tested so far this week. Sixty-eight undergraduates are in isolation as of Thursday after testing positive for COVID-19. Twenty-eight are in isolation housing, and...
COVID-19 Positivity Rate Continues Rising Over Weekend
News, Coronavirus Updates, Top Story, On Campus

COVID-19 Positivity Rate Continues Rising Over Weekend

The COVID-19 positivity rate for Boston College undergraduates tested this past week rose to 0.63 percent on Sunday from .57 percent on Friday, according to BC’s COVID-19 dashboard. BC reported 652 more undergraduate tests with six more positives from Friday to Sunday. The dashboard said on Sunday afternoon that 24 undergraduates tested positive during the...
BC Won’t Hire More Boston Police Than Usual to Restrict off-Campus Parties
Coronavirus Updates, Off Campus, News

BC Won’t Hire More Boston Police Than Usual to Restrict off-Campus Parties

Boston College is not enlisting any increased help from the Boston Police Department to shut down off-campus gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.  BPD will help patrol off-campus neighborhoods near campus on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights—as it has for about two decades—but the number of officers hired will not be any different from recent years,...
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