Opinion: As a Faculty Member, I’m Afraid to Return to the Classroom. BC Says I Don’t Have a Choice.
An anonymous faculty member questions why BC will not let faculty teach online amid a pandemic, and calls on others to ask BC to allow faculty to opt-out.
Black Lives Matter.
The Heights is appalled and saddened by the killings of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, and the countless other instances of racist violence and police brutality around the country. We stand in solidarity and support of all Black BC students and Black Americans, and all who have been protesting these horrific…
Shame Comes from the Archbishop
Every Friday for the past month, my father has driven down to Manhattan and delivered food with Catholic Charities to homebound senior citizens. When I first found out he was doing this, I was alarmed. As a 62-year-old cancer survivor, he’s not the best person to go in public during the coronavirus outbreak, let alone…
Letter from the Editor: As BC Closes, ‘The Heights’ Continues Reporting
Boston College has made the decision to cancel all in-person classes and require students to move out of their residence halls by tonight. Students are facing uncertainty about housing and the status of events that were planned for the end of the year, such as Commencement. Staff and professors have opened their homes for students…
Boston College Was Inefficient in Communicating With Students, Faculty, and Staff Regarding Closing
Boston College has communicated inefficiently with students, staff, and faculty regarding coronavirus. Administrators have been slow to announce updates, as rumors have circulated on campus and student anxiety has grown. The day before the University announced it was requiring students to move out of residence halls and moving all classes online, it rejected rumors that…
Be People for Others in the Time of Coronavirus
With the announcement of Harvard and Amherst College moving all courses online and ordering or encouraging students to stay home after Spring Break, my colleagues and I are eagerly awaiting an email from Boston College’s administration about what steps they are taking to respond to coronavirus. Moving courses online and encouraging those who can to…
BC Should Divest From Fossil Fuels
The Heights calls on Boston College to divest from fossil fuel companies. Divestment is an opportunity for BC to be an ethical leader among Jesuit and top-40 institutions, and investing in fossil fuels betrays BC’s Jesuit, Catholic roots and ethics. The University has maintained that its investments are not designed to promote social or political…
‘The Heights’ Endorses John Gehman and Leonardo Escobar for UGBC President and Vice President
The Heights endorses candidates John Gehman, MCAS ’21, and Leonardo Escobar, MCAS ’22, for the 2020 Undergraduate Government of Boston College president and vice president. The endorsement is based on each group’s policy proposals and the 45-minute meetings The Heights had with each of the four teams running. Out of the four teams, Gehman and…
How to Meet Your Neighbors (The College Edition)
Imagine opening the door of your home to a horde of small, female strangers exuding awkwardness, shoving a dozen donuts in your face and yelling, “These are for you!” Nightmare? Dream come true? Who’s to say? Either way, my neighbors don’t have to imagine—they lived this predicament last Tuesday when they met me and my…