Movies today often run into the problem of telling the audience everything instead of showing it to them. Hollywood needs to trust the audience.
Cake on My To-Do List
“A list is a simple thing. It takes the uncontrollable and intangible cloud of stress and pins it down to a piece of paper. A list should give you peace of mind.”
Pushing Through the Quarter-Life Crisis
Features editor James Lucey ends his Heights career with a final column about where he’s going next—or at least hopes to.
The Songs of Unextraordinary Memories
Certain songs seem to push me back in time to the most banal of moments in my life. I am left to wonder why then, I revisit these memories in such a vivid and lucid fashion.
Now Boarding For a New Adventure
After two years on the job, sports editor Michael Sullivan is no longer afraid to fly. So he’s taking off again.
Happy Thanksgiving From the Editors
The Heights’ editors give thanks.
Kentucky and Duke Provide Much-Needed Villain Role in College Basketball
Kentucky and Duke have been framed as the villains for men’s college basketball this year—which will only serve to make games more competitive and enjoyable for fans.
A Fond, Fuller Farewell
And with all this, I bid a fond adieu to The Heights and all those I’ve worked with to promote and review art on campus. It’s been a blast.
Leahy’s Detachment Will Be His Legacy, Former UGBC President Says
“Unless you are one of the few freshmen he advises, or a member of a favored student group, it is likely that you have not had much interaction with our University’s president.”
To Inspire Inclusion on Campus, UGBC Pens Letter to Student Body
Several members of UGBC wrote an open letter to the student body disapproving of the rhetoric used during the 2016 presidential election and acts of hate and violence stemming from this rhetoric.