To be pro-life is exactly as it sounds: to support living beings and, in turn, prevent and protect them from danger. Some people who claim to be part of the pro-life movement have advocated for anti-climate policies that directly threaten people’s lives. Political parties have co-opted pro-life values while simultaneously advocating for anti-life policies regarding…
Everett: Three Years, A Roommate, and Two Heights Dogs
Save for a few coveted early days, I rarely ended up leaving before 2:30 a.m. The Upper stairs never felt longer than they did from November to February on Monday and Thursday mornings, when, truly, nobody else was outside (and don’t even ask about the 2018 walk from Mac to South Street).
Thanksgiving 2019: What The Heights Board Is Grateful for
Steven Everett: I’m thankful for the 98 editors I’ve had the privilege of working with who have put countless hours into what has become my defining experience at Boston College. Andy Backstrom: Above all else, I’m thankful for my family and friends, as well as all of the memories I share with them. I’m also…
BC Republicans’ Choice to Invite Klavan Unproductive, Needlessly Divisive
On Tuesday, Nov. 5, Andrew Klavan, a writer and conservative talk show host, gave a lecture at Boston College entitled “The Art of Being Free.” The event, sponsored by Boston College Republicans, was heavily protested due to Klavan’s history of Islamophobic, sexist, and racist comments. As the sponsoring organization, it was irresponsible for BC Republicans…
An American Column
Surprisingly, the scariest moment of my life wasn’t when I watched Hereditary for the first time two summers ago at a midnight showing (“Not even when her head fell off, Bianca?” No, not even then). It didn’t occur when I moved to the United States in May 2018 and, for the first time, was left…
A Column on Procrastination, Time Management, and Bench Plaques
For the past five days, I have been keenly, uncomfortably aware of the fact that there was something I was supposed to do that I decided to forget to do. I’ve been walking around with that kind of guilty, kind of mentally-fuzzy feeling I used to get when my mom asked me to do something,…
Harvard Student Organizations Wrongly Accused ‘The Crimson’ of Endangering Students
After the Harvard Crimson reached out to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for a comment on an article about an “Abolish ICE” rally, Act on a Dream, a Harvard student organization for immigration rights, started a petition denouncing the newspaper. Other organizations, including Harvard College Democrats and Harvard Democrats for Warren, have signed the petition…
Skunk Hunting in the Mods, Part Two
Since my last column, I’ve rapidly gained a reputation as the trail-blazing, gorgeous lead reporter covering the skunk beat of Boston College. Two (that’s 2!) strangers approached me about my investigative work, which I’m pretty sure makes me BC famous. At first, I was honored—elated, even; but soon, just like all of the superheroes of…
Students’ Healthy Diet Should Be BC Dining’s First Priority
Confession: I used to be 250 pounds. While a small fraction of this could be attributed to an Italian grandmother who had little to no regard for portion sizes, most of it could be attributed to late-night stress-eating coupled with the easy availability of junk food. As is the same with many college students across…
Searching for Skunks (And Faith in Humanity) in the Mods
I stood in front of my closet this weekend with a single question in mind: What does one wear to a skunk hunt? Is it bad, I wondered, to wear all black and blend into the night? After all, I wasn’t trying to hide too effectively and then scare the skunk into spraying me. My…