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Recognizing Racism in Film Culture
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Recognizing Racism in Film Culture

“There are racist incidents like the ones that occurred on campus, yes, but there was also an institutionalized, subtle racism. It’s quiet, hidden, and ingrained in the American psyche. Now I’ve discovered this is still evident in the white-dominated industry of Hollywood, not just in older films like The Little Colonel.”

Appreciating the Cultural Significance of Coffee
Column, Featured Column, Opinions

Appreciating the Cultural Significance of Coffee

“The difference between my Yiayia and I is that I grew up in the fast-paced culture of New York in an American society where productivity determines worth, and she grew up starving under inhumane circumstances during World War II, coming to America and working hard for everything she had. For her, coffee was her break, a time to recharge and refuel in order to persevere through the difficult circumstances she had been dealt.”

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