Boston College’s Women Innovators Network seeks to empower women in the business sector by inviting big-name entrepreneurs such as Diane Hessan.
At the Winston Center, Ethics and Globalization Meet
The Winston Center hopes to broaden the minds of Boston College students entering the business world and elsewhere by challenging their ethical beliefs.
Dance Showcase Leaves Audiences Awestruck in Soaring and Gorgeous Performance
The marked talents of BC’s dance community cannot be overstated. In the Second Annual Week of Dance Showcase, the electrifying technical skill of all groups involved left audiences smiling, swinging, and swooning.
Albany Eliminates Eagles in NCAA Tournament
BC’s postseason run came to an end on Sunday with a 3-0 loss to Albany in the second round of the NCAA Tournament.
‘Hopefully the Errors Were Random:’ FiveThirtyEight Analyst Talks Election Polls
FiveThirtyEight had originally thought that Trump had a 28.6 percent chance of winning the election.
With First Burger Bash, The Street Pulls BC Eagles to Chestnut Hill
In an effort to build its relationship with the BC community, this Friday the Street will host a burger bash and pep-rally in celebration of Boston College’s final home football game.
‘The Misanthrope’ Plays With Gender Parity in Fiery Performance
Inverting gender roles in the Molière’s original ‘Le Misanthrope ou l’Atrabilaire amoureux’ play, the theater department finds a way to make the pointed inversion speak to power dynamics and relationships in today’s age.
With Social Media, UGBC to Launch Masculinity Campaign
The campaign, which includes both interviews and photos of the interviewees, was inspired by Humans of New York.
New SSW Dean Brings Experience in Poverty Research to BC
Yadama’s background, largely focused on research into poverty and the environment, informs the main focus of his studies—”to power the poor.”
In O’Neill, Cartoons Reflect Political Progress Through American History
Before there were late night shows, there were political cartoons jabbing at US politics.