Each week of the program adheres to a theme consistent with the goals in Thomas Napoli and Olivia Hussey’s platform.
BC Ranked 29th Best Value College In America
Value Colleges ranks BC the 29th best value college in America based on return on investment, national debt averages, and graduation rates.
Point / Counterpoint: Should We Miss Skip Bayless And Stephen A. Smith?
For the second time this year, the First Take crew turned down a visit to Chestnut Hill. Heights editors Tom DeVoto and Alec Greaney ask…should we care that Skip and Stephen A. aren’t coming?
Life And Medical Science Explored In New Research Journal
The University’s latest research journal focuses on the life sciences and medical research.
BC Student App Linkle Connects Entrepreneurs With Programmers
TJ Caveney, CSOM ’18, created “Linkle” to bridge the gap between college students whose skills complement one another.
Pop Stylists, Medieval Enthusiasts Unite For Acapellafest
The Acoustics hosted an a capella block party for a good cause. The event’s profits went to the Morgan Center, a Long Island non-profit.
Reporting For Bias Incidents To Shift To New Online Platform
Students can use an online form to anonymously report incidents of bias or microagression.
A Partnership In Medical Humanities For Boston College, Harvard
This fall will see the first BC and Harvard collaboration on medical humanities, in an event that will feature readings from undergraduate students.
Student Business Consortium To Promote ‘Learn By Doing’ Philosophy At BC
A new student organization called the Student Business Consortium seeks to train students of all educational backgrounds and professional interests with real world cases from companies in Boston.
BC’s Defense Doesn’t Even Give Howard A Chance
The Eagles annihilated the Bison, 76-0, behind a defense that only allowed 11 total yards from scrimmage. It was BC’s biggest margin of victory since a 1949 game against Holy Cross.