After a semester of Southern hospitality, columnist Timmy Facciola rediscovers his Jesuit Identity, finding a new appreciation for being a man for others.
A Letter of Recommendation: Travel Without Headphones
He asked her for her name after telling her not to tell anyone her name, a young girl learned a lot from a single ride on the T.
Thank You, and Goodbye
Shannon Kelly sings bye bye to The Heights, it’s the day Features died.
A Columnist’s Last Goodbye
Goodbyes are always hard, and one never really gets used to saying them.
Dear Shannon: Surviving Bad Pick Times (and Other Concerns)
In her latest advice column, Shannon Kelly details how she survives bad pick times and registration with ancient UIS.
Friday Night Failures: A Mediocre Football Player’s Life
Features editor Archer Parquette remembers his failure-filled time as a high school footballer.
Dear Shannon: Should I Live Off-Campus?
On-campus or off? Asst. features editor Shannon Kelly takes on the ultimate housing question.
Franny, Zooey, and the Young Columnist on The Pilgrim’s Way
Features editor Archer Parquette takes a break from his wild adventures to read some Salinger.
You’re Gonna Miss This: Tone-Deaf Nostalgia and Senior Year
Features editor Archer Parquette struggles with a Trace Adkins tune that won’t get out of his head, as well as the song’s meaning for his future.
Up the Creek Without a Paddle
“The second time my head went underwater, I thought, ‘Shoot, this is such an embarrassing way to die.'”