When features editor Archer Parquette happens upon a large body of water, his mind immediately turns to the greatest activity he knows: canoeing.
Switching IDs
Features editor Archer Parquette reveals the dichotomy between the extent of his self-expression at BC and at home.
For When the Big Envelopes Arrive
Shannon Kelly gives some advice to the prospective members of the Class of 2021: you always end up where you’re supposed to.
Mods, Smoking Ham, and Cookies: The Last Housing Lottery
After getting a mod, features editor Archer Parquette took great pains to avoid writing a cliché housing column.
Finding a Balance Between McDonald’s and SoulCycle
Shannon Kelly discusses her love of McDonald’s, Krispy Kreme, and all of the finest junk foods, and how her first trip to SoulCycle changed how she thought about her diet.
The Myth of Shovelus
Features editor Archer Parquette recounts a particularly futile day in the life, when the plows of Wisconsin made him shovel his driveway multiple times as his neighbor looked on.
High School Dances and Domino’s Pizza: The Least Romantic Moments of My Life
On the eve of Valentine’s Day, Shannon Kelly reveals the least romantic moments of her life and the importance of the holiday, whether you’re single, taken, or otherwise.
Once Upon a Time in Wisconsin
Features editor Archer Parquette recounts the story of one cold Wisconsin morning.
Get out a Pen, Forget About the Embarrassment, and Just Go for It
In her introductory column, Shannon Kelly describes her journey from loud, to quiet, and back again, while strengthening her voice through writing.
Pushing Through the Quarter-Life Crisis
Features editor James Lucey ends his Heights career with a final column about where he’s going next—or at least hopes to.