“A community foundation is driven to build collaboration and solve for a multitude of needs in a community,” Desmon said. “It’s a covener.”
Campus Cocktails: The Hurricane
This rum-based cocktail is recognizable by its red-orange color, created by a combination of passion fruit juice, orange juice, and grenadine.
The Four Stages of Coming Back from Abroad
It’s that time of year when all the juniors who went abroad in the fall return to campus. If you’re one of these juniors, you’re settling back into life at Boston College, but you can’t help but reminisce about abroad and insert your host country into every conversation you can.
How To Make It Through to Your Spring Break Getaway
I frequently ask myself, “How will I make it through the seemingly endless freezing days?” But I know I can do it—here are some tips I rely on to help you get there too!
Campus Cocktails: The Sun-Kissed Strawberry Sipper
A mojito is the perfect summertime cocktail. Sweet, fruity, and refreshing, this drink reminds me of sitting on the beach with my family, relaxing by the pool, and soaking up the sun.
Carrying on the Russert Legacy: Luke Russert’s Journey from Grief to Self-Discovery
“I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a father-son relationship as strong, as loving, as caring as that of Luke and Tim Russert,” Huffstetler said. “That [relationship] was not manufactured for TV. It was truly something else.”
Beyond Borders: Van de Water Researches Medicine in Low-Resource Settings
“In South Africa, the inequities on race and class were just very obvious because of the legacy of apartheid, which made me very interested in doing work there,” Van de Water said. “There was a brutal HIV epidemic and devastation on the whole healthcare system.”
History at Your Footsteps: A Guide to Boston Museums
Visit for your next class project, a snowy Saturday, or an evening date. No matter your reason, read this guide to find your next Boston adventure!
‘Female Genius’: Bilder Highlights the Role of Women in Creating the Constitution
“The book argues that education was a political right,” Bilder said. “Women wanted access to education as a way to then be allowed to participate in politics, and in the period of the dawn of the Constitution, it’s not yet clear that everyone should be excluded based on race and gender.”
Boston College Buildings as Christmas Songs
Now, imagine if BC buildings had their own Christmas carols. Move over Spotify wrapped! A new gift is in town, and it’s a summary of what each BC building’s Christmas song would be.