“I’m always interested in inner life, family, psychology, kind of how people move through the world in the daily ways in terms of their consciousness,” Graver said. “But I think I’m also increasingly interested in how these small figures intersect with the big history.”
Homemade on the Heights: Christmas Cookies
While cookie decorating is the first thing on my to-do list when I go home for winter break, it’s never too early to kickstart the holiday spirit.
Tam Nguyen Tackles Diabetes in Vietnamese Americans Through Human-Centered Research
“I think one of the underlying missions of the [CSON] and even social justice is working with vulnerable populations and helping to address health disparities and health inequality,” Nguyen said. “This project is an opportunity to teach students and engage in projects that are making some inroads towards achieving health equity.”
Homemade on the Heights: Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie
Whether you are looking for a new recipe to test out this December or are a pecan pie lover like myself, this dish is sure to be a delicious addition to your holiday dessert spread.
Things To Know Before Going Abroad
Coming to Boston College seemed daunting at first, but in the end, I found that moving to a new country was relatively easy. Still, there were a few vital things I wish I had known before leaving home.
Growing Pains: The Nostalgia of Becoming a Young Adult
Growing up isn’t easy, but no one said it was. No growth comes without grief. In order to grow, we must say goodbye to some chapters of our lives to make room for new ones.
SSC Venture Partners Boosts the BC Entrepreneurial Community Through Mentorship
“The goal of the SSC is to bring entrepreneurship at Boston College to the forefront of the local and national startup ecosystem,” its website reads. “SSC Venture Partners is the next stage in the evolution of that mission.”
Note-Taking vs. NYT Games: Student Engagement in the Classroom
“Both lecturing and discussion-based classes work, just as a professor you have to find your own authentic way of teaching,” Serazio said. “But if either side is not bringing energy, focus, curiosity, and passion, that doesn’t work. It has to be both.”
How to Navigate Thanksgiving at Boston College
There are plenty of options in the Boston area these students can turn to as they celebrate Thanksgiving, whether it be a quality meal or a fun activity.
Homemade on The Heights: Friendsgiving Turkey
It’s not Thanksgiving, or even Friendsgiving for that matter, without a turkey as the centerpiece of your table. And if you need evidence to convince you that roasting a turkey in your college kitchen is possible, then I am here to be your living proof.