These fajitas are hearty, healthy, and packed with flavor, and all you need to make them is a toaster oven!
Me, Myself, and AI: Ransbotham’s Podcast Examines How Businesses Use Artificial Intelligence
“I mean, it’s me, myself, and AI. It’s a very human-focused show.”
New Year, New Me: Ease Into the New Year With New Goals
At the end of the year, I often wish I had thought more frequently about what I’m grateful for, what makes me happy, or what I wish would improve in my life.
Through Resources and Education, Alyssa Lego Strives To Build a Better World for Individuals with Autism
“We don’t have time for these stereotypes—these harmful stereotypes—to just fade out over time,” Lego said.
Patches Crafts a Space Where Fashion, Sustainability, and Creativity Intersect
“I really love helping people realize they can sew,” Garrett said. “I think it’s really exciting because it’s like something so creative, which I think a lot of college students don’t have time for in the traditional sense.”
A Fresh Start: How to Recenter Yourself for the New Year
Taking time to recenter yourself will help prioritize your well-being throughout the upcoming year. By taking these steps, I hope you can center your new year on personal growth and wellness.
How To Find Coziness in the Cold
Over the years, I’ve learned to embrace the post-holiday winter season by incorporating aspects of coziness into my daily routine, living space, and mindset. Here are some tips to help you conquer the winter months with ease.
Travel Tips: How to Optimize Your In-Flight Experience
With the start of the new year also comes the approaching start of a new semester. As some juniors, like myself, prepare to go abroad, and international students anticipate their return to the Heights, many are faced with the impending dread of a long flight.
A Journey of Perseverance: Castro Receives BC Strong Scholarship
“Her personal and academic accomplishments, along with the work she’s done to assist other children facing similar physical mobility challenges was inspiring to me and to the committee.”
Campus Cocktails: The Celebratory St-Germain Spritz
My fellow Heights editors changed my life more than they probably recognize. So, I wanted to craft a cocktail that would serve as a toast to each and every one of them.