Homer’s Iliad tells the story of mythic Greek soldiers like Achilles and Odysseus sieging the city of Troy in search of kleos—Greek for “renown” or “glory.” Homer’s exact birthplace is of scholarly debate, but some place it on the island of Chios. Now, roughly 29 centuries later, this same island is a key site in…
Padhi Aids Trade Amateurs With Aventure
“I’m trying to close that round by the time I graduate, which is a little bit ambitious,” Padhi said. “In venture capital and in startups the saying is it always takes double the amount of money and double the amount of time to get anything done.”
Hecht Spotlights Chicago Theatre’s History in New Book
Since the first theatre performance in Chicago in 1834, the Chicago theatre community has experienced various obstacles from auditorium fires to the cancellation of in-person performances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among all of these challenges, something has remained constant—the community. Stuart Hecht, a professor in Boston College’s theatre department, believes theatre is about community,…
The Power of the Peanut: Salem Tackles Malnutrition With Edesia
“[The social enterprise organization model] also makes you not choose between doing good and running a business,” Salem said. “It’s just run like every other business except our main metric is how many kids’ lives that we saved this year.”
“Internet Imperialist”: Andrew Breaks Tech Industry Barriers With Her Art
“My work is very much about luxury and pools and champagne,” she said. “At the same time, it equally critiques these power structures that expose all of these differences. I think it gives permission especially to women to mold reality the way that they want it to be molded.”
Sapsford Brings Classics Performances to Life in New Role
“It’s very rare that you will do a class where you get to read this stuff and then get some actual experience of going through it yourself,” Sapsford said. “It’s an exciting course.”
Fay Brings Personal Experiences to New Novel
“Being successful in the publishing world requires an enormous amount of luck,” Fay said. “I personally know plenty of good manuscripts that have not been published, and we’ve all read terrible books that have made it through. I feel very lucky to have been able to have the career that I have.”
BC Alums Reimagine Remote Working With Dryfter
“Dryfter, as succinctly as possible, is a dedicated housing platform for remote workers,” Brett said. “People are going to want to spend extended periods of time in cool and interesting geographies across the U.S., and they want to make sure that wherever they are, whatever property they’re at, regardless of the size of the group, it’s well equipped for working from home.”
Homemade on the Heights: Baked Brie With Raspberry Jam
As I grew more and more homesick, my saving grace came in the form of a visit to a friend’s house for our version of Christmas dinner in the middle of finals week. Lake-effect snow is unique to the Great Lakes region, but at that dinner, I returned to the cozy feeling I was so used to finding at home.
From Britain to Boston: An International Student’s Guide to Surviving BC Living
“Learning how to live communally can be an adjustment for everyone, so I hope sharing what I have learnt over the past few months will be beneficial to exchange students and full-time BC students alike.”
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