BC’s Title IX Steering Committee, also called the Sexual Assault Steering Committee, was formed in 2011 as a response to the Dear Colleague Letter (DCL).
‘You Have To Make Room:’ Daniel Dae Kim On Race, Show Biz
When actor Daniel Dae Kim took the stage in Devlin 008 to detail his secret to looking so young—exercise, face-washing, and rigorous TV makeup—the audience burst into laughter and applause. Last Thursday evening, the Boston College Hawaii Club and the Korean Students Association hosted an audience Q&A session with Kim, who previously starred in television…
BC Students Give Their ‘Two Cents’ In Coke’s ‘Project Ripple’
BC is only the second institution to participate in Coca-Cola’s international empowerment initiative, “Project Ripple.”
A Handy Reference Guide On Dealing With Common Campus Scenarios
So it’s been a month, your feet are starting to get wet again back on campus, and things are looking up. Just when you had started to doubt yourself, all the stars aligned: your academic advisor let you know that your credits have in fact been going through, you’ve made some new pals who really…
‘#WeWereBC’ Exhibit Chronicles BC’s History Through Student Research
The #WeWereBC exhibit, organized by BC’s history department, depicts images from the University’s past as researched by current undergraduate students.
Income Inequality: A Look At Diminishing Education Opportunities
A BC student analyzes income inequalities’ effect on education in the United States.
Abroad Diaries: Adjusting To Fall In Vienna And A Semester In Europe
A BC junior reflects on her first month abroad in Vienna, and how her autumnal experience there differs from in Chestnut Hill.
Cocktails, Mixed With A Literary Twist
A BC English professor discusses her latest work, which combines Shakespeare and cocktail creations.
Behind The Numbers: BC’s Tie To The Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Nearly a third of Boston College graduates entering volunteer positions choose to do so with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.
Point/Counter-Point: The On-Campus, Off-Campus Debate
Two former roommates debate junior year housing.