Crisp air, cascading leaves, and sweaters galore mean autumn has finally arrived in Chestnut Hill. While midterm season looms over the heads of Boston College students, the brief respite of fall break also pokes its head out to provide relief amid the stress.
Choosing the Right Bunk: A Guide to Maximizing Your Space in a Lofted Triple
Lofted triple housing is back at BC. Though I was initially frustrated to discover that I was one of the “unlucky few,” I have learned that being in a lofted triple is nothing to be annoyed about if you use your space wisely. With that said, here are my tips for making the most out of your lofted triple!
Unconventional Study Spots for Finals Season
These uncommon study sanctuaries are sure to get you out of your rut and locked in for exams.
How To Dress for Winter: A Southern Girl’s Guide
Throughout my first BC winter, I’ve accumulated a few tactics of my own to stay warm and comfortable amid the cold. Here are some tips for all the southerners who are trying to get through the winter!
Boston College Bucket List: Things Every Eagle Should Do Before Graduation
Through conversations with roommates, professors, alumni, and hallway chit-chats in between, I’ve compiled a list of “bucket list” items every BC student should do before walking down Linden Lane on graduation day.
How To Make It Through to Your Spring Break Getaway
I frequently ask myself, “How will I make it through the seemingly endless freezing days?” But I know I can do it—here are some tips I rely on to help you get there too!
Things To Know Before Going Abroad
Coming to Boston College seemed daunting at first, but in the end, I found that moving to a new country was relatively easy. Still, there were a few vital things I wish I had known before leaving home.
Growing Pains: The Nostalgia of Becoming a Young Adult
Growing up isn’t easy, but no one said it was. No growth comes without grief. In order to grow, we must say goodbye to some chapters of our lives to make room for new ones.
How to Navigate Thanksgiving at Boston College
There are plenty of options in the Boston area these students can turn to as they celebrate Thanksgiving, whether it be a quality meal or a fun activity.
How to Live Your Best Hygge Life: Looking Into the Danish Practice of Hygge
According to the World Happiness Report, Denmark has consistently ranked among the top five happiest countries in the world since the report started coming out in 2012. One of the largest factors contributing to Denmark’s happiness is practicing hygge.