Van Leeuwen Ice Cream hosted a preview event for its store in Chestnut Hill before their grand opening the following day, April 12.
MBTA Proposes Redesign of Newton Commuter Rail Stations
MBTA personnel proposed a project to redesign Newton’s three MBTA Commuter Rail platforms at its community meeting Wednesday night.
Newton’s Zoning and Planning Committee Reviews Possible Changes to Retaining Wall Requirements
Members of Newton’s Zoning and Planning Committee (ZAP) proposed changing the requirements for retaining walls in a meeting Monday night.
Newton Community Gathers to Rededicate Vandalized Hostage Wall on Homer Street
Hundreds gathered on Homer Street Sunday afternoon to reinstall a display of Israeli hostage posters two weeks after it was vandalized.
City Councilor Rick Lipof Emphasizes Commitment to Collaboration Ahead of State Representative Campaign
City Councilor Rick Lipof, candidate for the Middlesex 12th District House seat, wants voters to know that he’s a team player.
Public Facilities Committee Discusses Geothermal Energy
Climate solutions nonprofit and Framingham’s Geothermal Pilot Project met with Public Facilities Committee to discuss geothermal energy.
Newton School Committee Approves New Vendor for School Cafeterias
The Newton School Committee (NSC) approved a new food service vendor for Newton Public Schools (NPS) in a unanimous vote on Monday.
Newton Housing Partnership Postpones Decision on a Letter of Support for Civico Development
Civico Development sought a letter of support from the Newton Housing Partnership for an amendment to Civico’s pre-existing permit.
Newton’s Zoning and Planning Committee Talks Post-VCOD Development Impacts, Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
The Zoning and Planning Committee talked small business protection during development following the implementation of new zoning regulations.
Newton Man Killed in House Fire
One man is dead following a fire Sunday morning at 1243 Walnut St. in Newton, according to city officials.