It’s good to have fun in Boston, but only while also being educated about issues such as sexual assault.
Freshmen, Make Use Of Your New Home
Although many students are content with staying on campus most weekends, I urge them to explore the city that is at our fingertips and find some of the things that make Boston special.
Real Life Analytics Looks To Revitalize Advertising
Real Life Analytics, a Boston-based startup, has developed technology that allows advertisement to collect demographic data—making ads ever more effective.
MIT Museum Displays Student Inventions
At arguably the most innovative campus in Greater Boston, students are sharing their inventions in a new exhibition.
Lallitara Produces Upcycled Fashion Pieces
Lallitara, a clothing and accessory company with manufacturing plants located in the Boston suburbs, North Carolina, and New York City, hopes to transform fashion by doing good through every step of the process.
New Startup Retriever Helps Users Recover Lost Objects
Retriever, a Boston startup created by seven Harvard Business School students, seeks to make the return of lost items as painless as possible, using unique Retriever tags.
Club Builds Athletic Community
For those who choose to stay in Boston after their time at BC has come to an end, the Boston Ski and Sports Club (BSSC) provides an array of opportunities-both social and recreational-to replace those that graduates will miss most.
Ping-Pong Lounge Looks To Draw College Students
Rachel Whitney, an event planner and marketing manager for Blazing Paddles, was a little surprised when first approached with the concept of bringing table tennis to the sports bar scene, but as she talked to more people, ranging from avid competitors to those who have not enjoyed the game since playing in a friend’s or relative’s basement, she came to a realization.
Food Truck City
Lined up in a circle around Dewey Square Plaza, a handful of food trucks await the arrival of hundreds of hungry customers on their lunch breaks.
#DownloadBoston Looks To Promote Local Startups
By: Gus Merrell
Tom O’Keefe, a Boston College alumnus and the man behind the popular Twitter account @BostonTweet, wanted to create a way for Boston startups to hit the market running and steadily gain name recognition.