Despite a lack of competition on the ballot, voters had concerns about political and social issues that affect Newton and the nation.
Parents Question Impact of Proposed Tax Increase on Schools at Thursday Town Hall
Newton voters will have the opportunity to vote for the proposed increase at a special election tentatively set for March 14.
‘Smashing Success’: Newton Residents Fling Pumpkins at Annual Composting Event
A large catapult was a fan-favorite way to launch the pumpkins, but residents also flung the gourds at a target or a tarp on the grounds.
Acclaimed Science Magazine Editor Shares Ways for Newton to Reduce Light Pollution
Kelly said residents can get involved by turning off lights when they are not using them or installing low-temperature bulbs in their homes.
Local Libraries Co-Host Anniversary Talk for Park Designer Frederick Law Olmsted
Olmsted designed parks including Central Park in New York City and the Niagara Reservation in Niagara Falls, New York.
Zhang: Proposed Tax Increase Raises Questions About Budget Management
Thus far, the city is doing a great job at showing their proposals, but they must also address whether they managed the existing money well.
Newton to Use Proposed Tax Increase for Sidewalk and Road Improvements, Officials Say
The proposed increase would allocate $1.4 million toward funding street and sidewalk paving and improvements.
Newton Officials Discuss Impact of Proposed Tax Hike on Parks, Recreation Areas, and Trees
City officials highlighted how the tax hike would impact public spaces like parks, courts, and fields in a presentation.
Domestic Violence Awareness Webinar Discusses Strategies For Recognizing and Preventing Abuse
Speakers of the webinar discussed topics like warning signs of abuse and some barriers that prevent survivors from accessing support.
Newton Officials Discuss Renovation Plans for NPS Elementary Schools
Three quarters of funds from a proposed tax override will go toward the Newton Public Schools.