A Starbucks in Waban became the second location within a mile of Newton city limits to unionize within the last year.
Newton Sees Highest Statewide Primary Turnout in Over a Decade
Newton residents cast the most statewide primary votes since 2006, according to the City of Newton’s website.
Newton Residents Call for Progress as Reconstruction of Historic House Further Delayed
“I mean, there’s no doubt that there used to be an old house there that could have been beautifully restored,” Anne Greer said. “And now there is a soaking wet pile of rotting wood.”
Newton City Council Approves funding For Proposed Senior Center
After four years and more than 300 community meetings, the Newton City Council approved full funding of the proposed Newton Center for Active Living.
Finance Committee Allocates $19.5 Million Budget to NewCAL Project
The proposed new senior center’s $19.5 million price tag reflects an increase from a previous estimate of $16.65 million.
Newton City Council Rejects FY 2023 Budget in Symbolic Gesture
The Newton City Council voted against the proposed fiscal year 2023 operating budget at a meeting on Thursday due to its disagreement with the amount allocated to the Newton Public Schools, though the budget will automatically go into effect regardless.
Newton Mayor Joins Lawyers in Event Surveying Massachusetts’s History of Unfair Housing
Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller said that there is a long way to go before Newton reaches fair and equitable housing.
Newton Comptroller Explains FY 2023 Budget, Elaborates on Technical Details
Newton Comptroller Stephen Curley explained in further detail the fiscal year 2023 budget to the City Council on Wednesday.
Architect Details NewCAL Designs Following Vote Not to Landmark Current Senior Center
An architect detailed building plans for a new Newton senior center after a vote last month ruled to not landmark the current facility.
Newton Mayor Proposes FY 2023 Budget, School and Municipal Funding Increase
Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller presented the proposal of Newton’s fiscal year 2023 budget—which expands the city’s spending on schools and municipality departments—to the Newton City Council on Tuesday.