Moved by the devastating images of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Newton resident Rebecca Ferguson put her baking hobby to work.
Newton city council committee debates building height
Attendees at a Newton City Council Zoning and Planning Committee meeting on Feb. 28 discussed a citizens’ petition that would limit the height of businesses and residential buildings in the city.
NPS Committee Votes For Removal of Mask Mandate in a Straw Poll, Official Vote to Come Next Week
Some citizens voiced objections, including a parent with an immunocompromised child, among others.
Newton Historical Commission Members Clash Over NewCAL Design at Meeting Thursday
Developers of the West Newton Armory and the Newton Center for Active Living (NewCAL) presented their designs to the Newton Historical Commission (NHC) at a meeting on Thursday, centering on the viability of preserving historical elements without compromising accessibility.
Fuller Expresses Optimism for the Future at State of the City Address
“Tonight I reaffirm my commitment to building a greater, better, more beautiful Newton, and the core to that commitment is the spirit of working together with elected officials, civic organizations, and residents from all of our villages,” Fuller said.
Newton to Move Forward on Updating City Seal, Pending City Council Approval
After almost a year and a half since the first convention of an Ad Hoc City Seal Working Group, Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller requested for the Newton City Council to approve to proceed with the process of updating the Newton city seal.
Leadership Now Project Says Threats to Democracy Endanger Local Governments at Newton Presentation
The League of Women Voters of Newton (LWVN) and the Charles River Regional Chamber co-sponsored a presentation on the state of American democracy and its effects on the local legislatures of Massachusetts.
City of Newton Rescinds Indoor Mask Mandate, Residents Respond
Recent winter weather in Newton has created ideal conditions for potholes to fill the city’s streets, according to Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller in a Feb. 6 newsletter. The Newton 311 app, which compiles work orders throughout the city, also addresses the potholes.
Newton Committee Considers Legislative Initiatives as Part of Climate Action Plan
Newton leaders presented ideas for legislation to reduce emissions and promote renewable energy in city residences and businesses at a Zoom meeting Monday night in a discussion on the Climate Action Plan.