With a left-leaning voting population, Newton’s results are often predictable. But that’s not the whole story.
State Says Newton Must Revise Zoning Laws to Comply With MBTA Communities Law
Massachusetts pointed out two areas where Newton needs to tweak its zoning laws to be considered compliant with the MBTA Communities Act.
Mayor Fuller Outlines Capital Improvement Plan at City Council Meeting
Mayor Fuller presented at Newton’s City Council meeting, providing her and Jonathan Yeo’s Capital Improvement Plan for the next five years.
Newton Residents Share Perspectives on the Ballot Questions That Could Change Massachusetts
As Newton voters prepare to cast their ballots on Nov. 5, they are faced with choices that could reshape classrooms and dining rooms.
Mayor Emphasizes Stability in City Budget Presentation
Mayor Ruthanne Fuller stressed the importance of the city’s long-term fiscal health in her FY26-FY30 Financial Forecast presentation.
Sangiolo and Yanovsky Discuss Housing, Transportation, and More at Debate
Amy Mah Sangiolo and Vlad “Steve” Yanovsky, candidates for the 11th Middlesex district representative seat, faced off in a debate Tuesday.
Newton Housing Partnership Updates Members on Collaboration with Local Nonprofits
Newton Housing Partnership evaluated programs and updated members on projects going on in the city in its monthly meeting on Tuesday night.
Newton’s Zoning and Planning Committee Reviews Proposed Building Emissions Guidelines
Newton’s Zoning and Planning Committee reviewed the proposed Newton Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance on Monday night.
Newton Public Safety and Transportation Talks Traffic Calming, Parking Permit Data Collection
Newton’s Public Safety and Transportation Committee discussed safety in response to speeding, collisions, and limited public maintenance.
Sangiolo Champions Transparency and Need for Action in Run for 11th District Seat
Sangiolo will face Yanovsky in the Nov. 5 general election, campaigning as the 11th Middlesex congressional district’s Democratic candidate.