Boston College conducted 596 fewer undergraduate tests last week than it initially reported it had done on Saturday. BC changed the number of undergraduate tests conducted last week from 2,647 to 2,051 on Tuesday afternoon “to correct a data error,” the University’s COVID-19 dashboard said.
Three Additional Undergraduates Test Positive As of Tuesday
Three additional undergraduates tested positive for COVID-19 out of the 109 who were tested this week, according to BC’s COVID-19 dashboard.
UGBC Administration’s Decision to Eliminate ULA Garners Criticism
The decision to scrap UGBC’s freshman mentorship program has come under fire from various students affiliated with the student government.
BC Begins First Day of Testing in Conte Forum
Boston College conducted its first day of COVID-19 testing on Monday in Conte Forum, administering 2,277 tests to faculty, staff, and students, according to a letter sent to the BC community on Tuesday.
BC Unable to Debut App For Testing and Symptom Reporting in Time for Move-In
Boston College was unable to complete testing for the CoVerified app, which it had planned to use to schedule COVID-19 testing appointments, in time for students’ arrival on campus.
Virtual Faculty Conversation About Racism Draws 100 Participants
The FACES Council hosted a Zoom event in which BC faculty discussed institutional racism and anti-racism techniques for the classroom. Over 100 attended.
New Study Calls for ‘Conversations’ Regarding Yawkey Athletics Center
A new study originally published in the Journal of Sport Management named the Yawkey Athletics Center at Boston College as one of 18 athletic facilities in the United States with ties to “honorees with questionable racist pasts.”
Administrator’s Email Criticized For Minimizing Student’s Concerns Over Returning to BC During Pandemic
A Boston College administrator’s email to a student was criticized last week by students on social media for minimizing a student’s concerns about traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic as the student inquired about taking online classes.
BC Confirms Tuition Increase, Plans to be Flexible with Fall Academic Calendar
Boston College confirmed in a recent update that it is increasing tuition for the upcoming school year. The letter, which was sent to students’ parents, also noted that the University plans to be flexible with its academic calendar for the fall semester and provided more details regarding recreational activities and classroom and library use.
As BC Again Rejects an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, It Doesn’t Deny Donors Influence Its Policies
UGBC leaders are undergoing conversations with the University administration about ways BC can better support its students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. While conversations are ongoing, BC has no plans to establish an LGBTQ+ resource center in the near future, according to Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore and Director of Student Outreach and Support Caroline Davis.