BC celebrated the Black History Month Mass Sunday. The Mass, celebrated by Michael Davidson, was focused on overcoming racism, equality, and black history.
OIP Releases Study Abroad Decisions
OIP released study abroad application decisions on Tuesday. Seventy-two percent received their top choice, and 85 percent received one of their six choices.
UGBC Passes Coronavirus Resolution
UGBC passed a resolution on Tuesday. advocating for a University response to possible risks of an on-campus coronavirus outbreak.
Laura Steinberg Named Director of Schiller Institute
Laura Steinberg will be the director of the Schiller Institute. With this hiring, four of the last five senior administrators hired at BC have been women.
BC Sees Drop in Applications for Class of ’24
Boston College received almost 30,000 applications for the undergraduate Class of 2024, over 5,000 fewer than the BC-record Class of 2023
New BC Fact Book Shows Endowment Falls
The 2019-2020 Fact Book details $93.3 million decrease in endowment, a two-acre expansion of campus, and an increase in AHANA+ undergraduates.
Annual Unity Breakfast Celebrates MLK
The Black Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Association (BFSAA) hosted its annual Unity Breakfast celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. on Wednesday morning.
BC, Union Sued for Religious Discrimination
Ardeshir Ansari, a Boston College electrician, filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against the University and his union in November.
BC Partners With Low-Income Recruitment Organization
Boston College will partner with QuestBridge, a nonprofit organization that helps low-income students apply to college, beginning with the class of 2025.
Petition Against Koch-Funded Program Circulates
A petition urging BC not to accept funding from the Koch Foundation that was signed by over 1,000 people was sent to administrators on Dec. 13.