Boston College has added three new members to its Board of Trustees: Guido Barilla; Marc P. Seidner, BC ’88; and Elizabeth Eder Zobel, BC ’87.
Class of 2023 is 36 Percent AHANA+
The Class of 2023 is the most diverse in Boston College history, with 36 percent of the 2,297 students identifying as AHANA+, according to statistics from a University release.
Lawsuit Documents Detail BC Assault Investigations
Recently released court proceedings pertaining to the overturning of a Boston College student’s suspension in late August revealed the number of investigations surrounding sexual assault allegations conducted at BC since 2011. The summary, presented in the testimony of Associate Dean of Students Corey Kelly, was split into two sections to reflect a change in the University’s conduct process.
University to Study Jesuit Commitment
Boston College has begun a self-study as part of an initiative by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU), which has asked the 27 Jesuit colleges and universities across the country to assess their commitment to Jesuit traditions and values as part of the Jesuit Mission Priority Examen.
BC Sees Higher Sex Offense Reports Than Peer Schools in Recent Campus Crime Statistics
Twice as many rapes and four times as many fondlings per student were reported at Boston College than at the average of its competitor schools in 2018, according to data from campus safety reports.
Leahy Signs Letter Expressing Concern Over Visa Delays
The Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts, of which BC is a member, sent the Sept. 16 letter to the state’s congressional delegation.
Liquor Law Violations Fall 13 Percent in 2018
There were 1,264 liquor law violations at Boston College in 2018, compared to 1,461 in 2017. The number of drug law violations also declined—from 177 violations to 139—from 2017 to 2018.
AADS Plans 50th Anniversary Celebration
Created in 1969 in response to advocacy by the Boston College Black Student Forum, the initial African and African Diaspora Studies program—then “Black Studies”—offered only three classes: African Art, The History and Psychological Development of the Black Family, and African Nationalism Since World War II.
Study Abroad Application Process Adjusted Based on Student Feedback
After making adjustments to the study abroad application process last year, the Office of International Programs (OIP) will no longer require students to list a fall program on their study abroad applications and will now ask students to list six programs, instead of three, when they apply.
University Continues Work on Schiller, Pete Frates Center
In a speech at last week’s faculty convocation, Boston College Executive Vice President Mike Lochhead offered an overview of the nearly 75 ongoing and completed campus improvement projects.