Though the department is working to become stronger, according to Marc Snapper, chair of the chemistry department, its focus with regard to the Schiller is truly on reciprocity.
Administration Responds to Rise in Campus Crime Reports
In the wake of the Boston College’s Clery Act Crime statistics being released on Sept. 28, the administration has reiterated its support for students reporting any concerning incident to the BC Police Department, student affairs administrators, or the Dean of Students’ office.
Administration Looks to Improve DiversityEdu Experience
Boston College launched DiversityEdu this fall to educate students about the complexities surrounding diversity in the wake of Silence is Still Violence. Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Joy Moore said that students she spoke to provided positive feedback.
Lawsuit Against University Gets Jury Trial Date
The pending lawsuit against Boston College has had a jury trial date and pretrial hearing date set. The trial is set for April 22, 2019, while a pretrial hearing to hash out the scope of the case has been set for March 7, 2019.
UPDATE: 24 BC Law Professors Sign Onto Letter to the Senate Condemning Kavanaugh Nomination
Twenty-four Boston College Law School professors signed a letter asking the U. S. Senate not to confirm U. S. Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The letter was sent to The New York Times, and it will be presented to the U. S. Senate on Thursday. Kavanaugh is facing multiple accusations of sexual assault.
BC Releases Clery Stats, 2017 Numbers Continue Trend of Increased Reporting
In compliance with the Clery Act, the University’s report cites 39 instances of rape, with 34 of those crimes occurring in on-campus student housing.
Graduate Union Interrupts Parents’ Weekend Event, Pickets Pops on the Heights
About 30 members of the Boston College Graduate Employees Union (BCGEU-UAW) first walked out of the annual President’s Address in Robsham Theater before carrying out a planned picket outside Pops on the Heights Friday night.
Lawsuit Against University Going to Jury Trial
Judge Denise Casper has ordered the breach of contract lawsuit pending against Boston College to a jury trial, according to an electronic court order sent to the two sides in the lawsuit Friday afternoon.
In Response to Union Letter to Trustees and Faculty, Quigley Letter Defends University
The letter was written in response to the union spreading what the administration believed was false information in correspondence sent to University trustees and faculty members, according to a person familiar with the letter.
Lawsuit Against University Reaches Pre-Trial Stage, Sides Argue Over Jury Trial
In a hearing Thursday afternoon in the $3 million lawsuit pending against Boston College in regards to the alleged mishandling of a sexual assault allegation, Judge Denise Casper indicated that her inclination is to send the case to a jury trial. Casper said she will issue an order with her decision in the near term.