A car crashed into the fence along the Green Line B Branch tracks near Gerald Street on Friday afternoon. All three people in the car were uninjured.
Former BCPD Captain Walter Durrane Dies at 84
Walter M. Durrane, retired captain of the Boston College Police Department, died on Sunday at the age of 84.
Ariel Cox, MCAS ’22, Critically Injured After Being Struck by Train
Ariel Cox, MCAS ’22, is in critical condition after being hit by a train on Friday, according to an email from Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore.
UPDATE: Pete Frates, Face of ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and BC ’07, Dies at 34
Pete Frates, BC ’07, has died after a battle with ALS. A former baseball player at BC, Frates is well-known for his role in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
OIP Cancels Three Hong Kong Programs
OIP has also terminated the upcoming Spring 2020 programs, offering students alternative programs elsewhere or simply a return to Boston College.
Inyoung You Pleads Not Guilty to Manslaughter Charge
Bail was set at $5,000—lower than usual for this charge—since Inyoung You returned from South Korea without requiring extradition.
Report: Inyoung You Releases Final Texts With Alexander Urtula, BC ’19
Two sources close to You’s family have said that Urtula jumped upon You’s arrival at the garage, according to ‘the Boston Globe’.
Student-Athlete Requests Jury Trial Over Suspension
Many of the issues raised in Doe’s demand for a jury trial also appeared in his request for preliminary injunction earlier this year.
First Circuit Hears Lawsuit Against BC’s Investigative Process
The heart of the complaint is that the plaintiff did not have an opportunity to ask questions of the other parties.
First Circuit Reverses, Allows BC Student’s Lawyer to Appear
First Circuit Judge David J. Barron’s Oct. 24 order came with a note that the motion for Gersen to appear was denied “because it would create a recusal.”