On Veterans Day in 2009, Boston College dedicated the Veterans Memorial Wall to the 209 BC alumni who had given their lives in service to their country. Nobody knew at the time, but the ceremony also marked the success of a network of connections and relationships that would still provide support to veteran alumni a decade later. The Veterans Memorial Committee, formed in 2005 with the purpose of fundraising and researching for the wall, soon transformed into the BC Veterans Alumni Network (BCVAN).
Disgraced Organist Will No Longer Have Presence at University
After sexual abuse allegations were leveled against James David Christie in a Boston Globe investigation, a former artist-in-residence at the College of the Holy Cross and professor of organ at Oberlin College, organizations in the Boston area have been cutting ties with the organist the Globe described as “one of the greatest organists of his generation.” Christie has performed at the Boston College since at least 1989.
CSON Graduates Play Role in Saving Shark Attack Victim
William Lytton of Scarsdale, New York was swimming laps 30 yards offshore of Longnook Beach, part of the Cape Cod National Seashore, adjacent to Truro, Mass., when a great white shark bit him. Its teeth punctured his left leg, just below the hip. He was able to yell “Shark!” and “Help me!” to get the…
Property Containing Mary Ann’s Sold to Greatest Boston Bar Co. for $1.51 Million
“I think the buyer had the opportunity to own three very successful bars that bring in lots of money, at least as far as I can tell, due to the death of the previous owner,” said John Keith, a licensed broker who closely follows local real estate.
Amul Thapar, BC ’91, in the Running for Supreme Court Nomination
Amul Thapar, BC ’91, a 49-year-old judge on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, met with President Donald Trump on Monday.
Alumnus’s Lawsuit Against BC Leads to Vacated Decision, Jury Trial
An unnamed Boston College alumnus and his parents got a judgment vacated by the First Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday that had previously granted summary judgment in favor of the University in regards to a lawsuit brought by the alumnus. The alumnus was originally suspended for three semesters over a sexual assault allegation while…
Report: BC Says It Won’t Rescind Cosby’s Honorary Degree
“As a matter of policy, we do not rescind honorary degrees, which are given to individuals based on their accomplishments at the time of the award,” Dunn told The Boston Globe.
Following Red Sox Petition, City of Boston to Change Name of Yawkey Way
A number of Boston power brokers were against the decision to change the name of Yawkey, some of whom are closely associated with Boston College.
Georgetown Graduate Student Union Reaches Voluntary Election Agreement
“It’s given us a really big lift to know that there is so much support, and it’s just another indication of how much of a growing movement graduate worker unionization is across the country—it’s not just something that’s happening on this campus,” said Gage Martin, a union member and Ph.D. student at BC.
Fiscal Year 2019 Federal Budget Exceeds Expectations
Various aspects of President Donald Trump’s federal budget mimic the budget requests of his Democratic predecessor.