“Only Things I Want Are a Haircut And an Education”: Travel Restrictions Threaten International Students, Faculties’ Arrival
A combination of travel bans and immigration restrictions imposed by the Trump administration in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic is making it unlikely that international faculty and students will be able travel to the United States in time for the start of the fall semester.
BC Instagram Account Accused of Censoring Stories of Racism at the University
Members of the BC community are accusing the University of racist censorship after BC untagged its Instagram account from posts by @blackatbostoncollege.
BC Students Reflect on Racism on Campus at UGBC Town Hall
UGBC hosted a virtual town hall on racism on Monday night with the purpose of having an honest and respectful conversation about racism in the United States and at BC.
Massachusetts College Presidents Submit Reopening Framework
A group of college presidents in Massachusetts submitted a “framework for reopening colleges and universities” to Governor Charlie Baker’s Reopening Advisory Board.
BC Alumni Discuss Working On The Front Lines Of The COVID-19 Pandemic
Four Boston College graduates discussed the role of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic on BC’s virtual “Show @ 6” on Tuesday.
Four BC Student And Alumni Companies To Be Funded By SSC Venture Partners
The SSC Venture Partners, a venture fund and accelerator for student startups in the Boston area, will fund and mentor four BC student and alumni companies.
BC Students Discuss The Common Good In Virtual “Show @ 6”
FIve Boston College students from the Class of 2020 spoke about COVID-19, resiliency, and the common good on BC’s virtual “Show @ 6” on Friday.
OIP to Move Forward With Fall 2020 Study Abroad Programs
The Office of International Programs is planning to move forward with its scheduled programs for the Fall 2020 semester, according to an email sent to students enrolled in the fall programs.
With Enrollment Deadline Approaching, Students Commit to BC Without Visiting Campus
By the time high school senior Alex Park found out he had been accepted into Boston College, it was too late for him to visit campus.