Student activists took to the Quad to draw attention to injustice and issues they saw with inequality at BC on Oct. 18. This was different from 2017, which was in response to a string of racist incidents on campus.
Plunkert, BC ’68, Shares Cold War Spy Stories
Bill Plunkert, BC ’65, lectured on his experience with the CIA as a Cold War spy in Moscow this past Thursday in Gasson Hall.
College Democrats and College Republicans Debate As Midterms Loom
Boston College’s College Democrats and College Republicans faced off in a debate hosted by the Eagle Political Society (EPS) on Tuesday. The contentious debate took place just weeks before the high-stakes midterm elections.
Student-Athlete Learning Center Renamed as Part of ‘Greater Heights’
The Office of Learning Resources for Student-Athletes will be renamed the Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS), according to a University press release.
Conde Lectures as Part of ‘Rights in Conflict’ Series
Victor Conde, an international human rights lawyer and educator, examined the global and national importance of international human rights law in the Center for Human Rights and International Justice Center’s Rights in Conflict Series.
Professors Discuss Faith in Wake of Church Scandals
Four Boston College faculty members discussed faith in Catholicism in 2018 during a panel titled “Catholic Belonging in a Time of Scandal.”
BC Hosts Refugee Conference to Address Global Crisis
“No one can dispute the importance of national security, but there needs to be a balanced approach looking at our national interest and our humane obligations,” said David Phillips, director of the peace-building and rights program at Columbia University.
University Announces Details of Student Experience Survey
Boston College is launching the first Student Experience Survey next week, the University announced Thursday morning in a release. Survey data will be available this spring, with more “segmented analysis and extensive reporting” available in fall 2019.
Over 100 Students ‘Die-In’ on Anniversary of March
The majority of demonstrators taped their mouths shut to show “the institutional silencing that happens at Boston College,” according to the release from the Black Eagles, the groups that organized the protest.
Girls Who Code Founder Speaks to BC Council Of Women
Founder and CEO of tech organization Girls Who Code Reshma Saujani spoke at the annual Council for Women of Boston College Colloquium on Tuesday, regarding the efforts of her organization in closing the gender gap in technology.