When asked if he knew that chalking was in violation of University policy, Matthew Barad, MCAS ’19, said, “I did not. And I am still not convinced it is.”
On-Campus Food Delivery Service BC GET Experiences Success After Launch
“I think that students have responded really well to the fact that they don’t have a Domino’s pizza man calling them and telling them they’re at Walsh—when they’re not at Walsh, they’re at Welch,” founder JB Bruggemen said. “Because we use students we’re able to do these deliveries to exactly where they’re supposed to go.
Quinones Outlines Effects of Increased Heroin Usage on Modern Society
“It’s time we stop believing that there’s an easy way out,” said former Los Angeles Times reporter Sam Quinones.
Copeland Reflects On 50th Anniversary of MLK’s Assassination
“Throughout the nearly 13 years of his public, Christian social ministry, King so attuned himself to the word of God, as to recover and to exercise the biblical vocation of prophecy for his country, our country, indeed, for the world.” Theology professor M. Shawn Copeland said.
UGBC Calls For Divestment From Fossil Fuels
The resolution was sponsored by Ellen O’Brien, MCAS ’20; and co-sponsored by Nicholas Stubblefield, MCAS ’20; Kate Canavan, MCAS ’21; Ignacio Fletcher, MCAS ’20; and Samuel Szemerenyi, MCAS ’20.
Fire Breaks Out in Welch Tuesday Morning
While the room’s residents were not present at the time of the fire, they will be relocated to a different room for the remainder of the year due to the damage the fire caused.
Students to Overcome ‘Sophomore Slump’ With Stride
“You often hear people talk about the sophomore slump,” said Michael Sacco, a founder of Stride. “Our idea is that … instead of slumping, they’ll be hitting their stride.”
“Special Delivery:” Behind the Scenes of Admissions Video
John Walsh, a University Communications creative producer and BC ’17, is the brains behind this year’s Harry Potter-themed admissions video.
BC Accepts 27 Percent of 2022 Applicants
The Office of Undergraduate Admission will spend the month of April ensuring that it enrolls the highest quality Class of 2022 and attains its goal yield.
Markey Urges Students to Stay Active After March for Our Lives
Markey explained that part of the reason the March for Our Lives was so powerful was that it focused entirely on the next generation of leaders.